50th REUNION, MAY 13-16, 2016

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The JHJ 50th Golden Reunion Celebration was held Friday & Saturday nights, May 13 & 14, 2016, at Moody Gardens Hotel in Galveston.  We had 194 attend on Friday night, 248 on Saturday night, & had over 100 rooms reserved at the hotel for the weekend.  There were classmates from Austin, Milby, Spring Branch, Sterling

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APRIL 29, 2011 There was a JHJ pre-cruise party at the San Luis Hotel in Galveston.  There were 33 rooms reserved at the San Luis Hotel and 5 rooms reserved at the Hilton Hotel – the Hilton is located next door.  A total of 75 people spent the night in Galveston prior to the cruise. 

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Wrap Up: JHJ Cruising thru the Memories

78 cabins and 158 people – including classmates from the classes of 1962 to 1968, and even 2 coaches, Coach Larry Roberts & his wife Shirley and Coach Joel Sturdivant and his wife Elva. On the first day of the cruise, people checked in at the Chinatown Lounge to pick up their Welcome packet and itinerary sheet. A thank you to Sissy & John O’Brien who helped at the Registration table with Maureen Wuensch Varnes, Jodie Ross Wurzbach, Judy Ross McNeely & Priscilla Keeton Hofstetter.

Wrap Up: JHJ 40th Celebration

The JHJ 40th Celebration was held Friday & Saturday nights, June 2 & 3, 2006, at the Moody Gardens Hotel in Galveston.  Upon arrival, there was a Hotel sign greeting everyone telling of our 40th Reunion.  There were 58 rooms reserved at the hotel on Friday night and 71 rooms reserved on Saturday night for

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